Directory of Open Source Visualization Toolkits
- PyVTK is the wrapper for VTK (written in C++). VTK or visualization Toolkit is a high-level visualization library used for 3D computer graphics and visualizations.
- Maintained and developed by: Kitware
- PyVTK is the wrapper for VTK (written in C++). VTK or visualization Toolkit is a high-level visualization library used for 3D computer graphics and visualizations.
Manim (Mathematical Animation)
- Started by Grant Sanderson (aka 3b1b) for as his own personal project. Now one of the most famous toolkits out there for explanatory animations. It uses
cairo (pycairo)
to write svgs andffmpeg
to merge them. The final output is a.mp4
file. However, the lack of documentation makes it harder to use.
- Started by Grant Sanderson (aka 3b1b) for as his own personal project. Now one of the most famous toolkits out there for explanatory animations. It uses
- Created by Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran, mayavi works on top of VTK. It can either be used as a python package or from the GUI module. More info avilable at the Mayavi docs
- VisPy was designed by Luke Campagnola, Almar Klein, Cyrille Rossant and Nicolas P. Rougier. It was aimed at creating fast andscalable visualization. VisPy is a sucessor of visvis. However, I am doubful if the project is being actively maintained.
Home | GitHub | Documentation
- VisPy was designed by Luke Campagnola, Almar Klein, Cyrille Rossant and Nicolas P. Rougier. It was aimed at creating fast andscalable visualization. VisPy is a sucessor of visvis. However, I am doubful if the project is being actively maintained.
- VisPy's sister project, glumpy is a neatly designed interface between NumPy and OpenGL. It gives more low-level access than VisPy. Their documentation states: "Glumpy is a python library for scientific visualization that is both fast, scalable and beautiful. Glumpy offers an intuitive interface between numpy and modern OpenGL."
GitHub | Documentation
- VisPy's sister project, glumpy is a neatly designed interface between NumPy and OpenGL. It gives more low-level access than VisPy. Their documentation states: "Glumpy is a python library for scientific visualization that is both fast, scalable and beautiful. Glumpy offers an intuitive interface between numpy and modern OpenGL."